Repressed Memories

Hypnotherapy Services provided by Sacred Cedars

Repressed Memories – Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique™ is the most powerful form of Hypnosis developed by world-renowned hypnotherapist, author, and teacher, Dolores Cannon, who began her research of sacred knowledge and reincarnation nearly 50 years ago and created a safe method and effective technique that takes you beyond the usual past life regression, and made a place a method for people to achieve a deep state of consciousness that bypasses the chatter of the conscious mind and focuses on obtaining unlimited information and healing in the somnambulistic state (THETA) or your Higher Self.

This is where people can connect to the all-knowing part of the self, called the Super Conscious, The Higher Self, or the Oversoul. This connection has unlimited knowledge and the ability to heal the mentally, and physically energetic body.




How can Quantum Healing Energy help?

People experience Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique™ for many reasons, to help people gain clarity and understand themselves better.
Some people want to know about their life’s purpose, family, life-threatening issues, addictions, and depression. They come with the desire to change their lives. Some clients want to know why their lives are not working, and they seek QHHT to move forward in the best possible way.

Things to consider when choosing a QHHT practitioner.

In-Person Session – A proper Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique™ session should only be done in person with a trained QHHT Practitioner. The possible loss of internet connection due to the amount of energy moving with this type of work is very unpredictable. Dolores Cannon was adamant about this for the safety of the client and because of the immense trust needed between the client and practitioner.

Length of Session.

A QHHT session should typically be four to five hours or longer. Dolores used to say, “It takes as long as it Takes’ We first start with The Interview. This is where we get to know all about you and why you are here on earth, and it’s important to know who the important people in your life are so we can, ask the right questions. to the Higher Self. Also, this helps the client to relax and TRUST develops between client and practitioner. After we cover that thoroughly, we are now ready for the Induction, this is the hypnosis experience, and when you are brought back into the present time, we discuss your session.



What is Hypnotherapy?

There are two applications to hypnotherapy. Suggestion therapy utilizes the power of suggestion in a hypnotic state to change behaviors. It helps people to stop smoking and eating fattening foods. Suggestion therapy is instrumental in treating chronic pain as it helps people change their perceptions on the pain itself.

Hypnotherapy also uses analysis in a hypnotic state to uncover the root cause of issues that a person is experiencing. The relaxed state enables the client to recall events from their unconscious memory, which may not be evident while in a non-hypnotic state. Using these two applications, the hypnotist is able to help the client resolve issues and overcome obstacles that they have been living with. Hypnotherapy is completely safe and very effective.

In hypnosis your conscious mind becomes less active, but you remain awake, At this point, your subconscious mind is especially receptive to suggestions. It is your subconscious mind that responds to suggestions and causes those suggestions to manifest themselves in your life. Your subconscious mind does what you tell it to do. The subconscious mind doesn’t think, reason or rationalize. It only follows instructions. Your conscious mind thinks, reasons, and rationalizes- and often argues against what you want. This is why the conscious mind needs to be relaxed and quieted, so it won’t argue against what you are instructing your conscious mind to do.


About Kayla

Kayla Wentworth

Kayla Wentworth

Certified Hypnotherapist

I am a State registered clinical and medical Hypnotherapist in Washington State, and an International Health and Wellness Educator. My trainings in the field of alternative health are;

Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Nutrition, Energy Therapy, Mindfulness Meditation, (EFT) Emotional Freedom Technique Instructor, Reiki Master Teacher BQH Beyond Quantum Healing practitioner, . I own and manage Sacred Cedars Retreat Center in Poulsbo, Washington, where I see private clients and teach all levels of Reiki and have been sharing my abilities for over twenty-five years.

I am an ordained minister, Spiritual Coach, and has been initiated in the shamanic path of the Feathered Serpent medicine apprenticeship, and I have been initiated in the Pachikuti Mesa tradition and I am a Mesa carrier and Despacho ceremonialist.

I own and manage Sacred Cedars Retreat Center in Poulsbo, Washington, Where I see private clients for hypnosis and Reiki training as well as one-on-one private retreats.
My focus is to provide choices in healing and new perspectives in wellness. My joy is to provide inspiration.

In my own practice, I work with clients to determine the root cause of their concerns and I incorporate the tools needed to help and assist them to resolve the problem, In my workshops and retreats that I offer, I desire to teach techniques that are practical and useful in the healing and empowering of others to go forward courageously with confidence for my client’s true purpose, and help them to achieve excellence in their lives.

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