
Frequently Asked Questions

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a natural state of focused inner awareness whereby you permit your conscious mind to “step aside”, allowing direct communication with your subconscious mind. When you are ready for change, hypnosis is a powerful tool and perhaps the missing instrument that can be used to gain control of your life and well-being.

How does hypnosis work?

The subconscious mind is opened up to positive suggestion when hypnotized. This allows you to let go of negative or unwanted behaviors, fears or habits that may be getting in the way of achieving your goals or that may be causing an impasse in your life. Old feelings and beliefs can be released in favor of choosing new, more positive ways of responding to current issues.

Will I get stuck in hypnosis?

This just does not happen. Should the practitioner stop talking, the client will respond either by slipping into a natural sleep for a few minutes or naturally coming out of hypnosis due to the absence of the practitioner’s voice.

Will the hypnotist be in control of my mind?

In hypnosis, you are in complete control and aware of everything that is going on around you at all times. You accept only those suggestions that are beneficial to you

Will I reveal financial or family secrets?

Since you are aware of everything throughout a hypnosis session, it is you who controls what will be revealed. Hypnosis is not a “truth serum”

What if I can’t be hypnotized?

Everyone with average intelligence or above, (an IQ of at least 70) frequently experiences hypnosis, sometimes hundreds of times a day. You must pass through hypnosis to fall asleep at night and to wake up in the morning. Every time you daydream, gaze into a fire, become engrossed in a good book or movie or even drive your car and think about something other than driving, you are experiencing hypnosis

What if my mind is too sharp or I am too strong-willed to be hypnotized?

The idea of someone being too sharp or strong-willed to be hypnotized is a myth. Hypnosis is relaxation. Actually, the more a person is able to utilize both sides of the brain, (both the logical and creative aspects), the better.

Facts about Hypnosis

Fact One

Everyone is hypnotizable. We go in and out of hypnosis many times during the day; while watching TV, driving, walking, gardening or just daydreaming.

Fact Five

Hypnosis for birthing helps women to have the kind of natural birth they desire. Calm, peaceful, and with little pain.

Fact Six

You can learn to hypnotize yourself. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis and talks yourself into relaxing and giving yourself suggestions.

Fact Four

Hypnosis can be used for pre- and post-surgery for a quick recovery; it’s an effective tool for pain management.

Fact Seven

Hypnosis is an enjoyable state of mind like daydreaming, in which you become very receptive to proper suggestions.

Fact Three

Hypnosis is an accepted form of medical treatment. It’s been accepted since the 1950’s.

Fact Two

You cannot experience hypnosis against your will. If you don’t want to experience it, you won’t.

Any other questions?


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